
The heart of stewardship is gratitude.

When we are filled with gratitude we overflow with joy and the desire to share our gifts with others.

In the act of giving, God's love is magnified and - like the loaves and fish - our gifts are multiplied. 

Online Giving

How can we repay the Lord for all the good done for us? By donating!

Support a cause, contribute to a fundraiser, pledge to a charity, tithe to your church. The decision is up to you.


How can we share our gifts with others?

By volunteering! Feed the hungry, pray for the sick, serve donuts and coffee, teach children about God's love,

welcome visitors and parishioners, sing to the congregation - the possibilities are endless!

Afraid you don't have enough time to volunteer? It's a common concern. Our ministries vary but all offer a wide range of needs and could require as little as an hour or two of your time a month.

Don't know where to begin? A good place to start is by attending various ministry events or by visiting the Parish Office.

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."

Helen Keller

2024 Pastoral Services Appeal

Bishop Kevin Vann once again invites us to help him in carrying out the mission of the Catholic Church, to touch the hearts and change the lives of people in our community. Our financial contribution to the annual Pastoral Services Appeal is one way to make this possible.

Because of the kindness of past donors throughout the Diocese of Orange, PSA 2023 was able to

  • support 51 of our elderly priests in retirement
  • educate/form 23 seminarians and many permanent deacon candidates
  • educate 17,000 students in our Catholic Schools through tuition assistance
  • serve 615,000 families through Catholic Charities of Orange
  • provide ministry to the deaf community, the incarcerated, and many poor parishes

These diocesan ministries would not be possible without the generous Catholic faithful. I want to thank those who have contributed to the PSA last year, and in a few weeks you will be receiving a personal thank you letter from Bishop Vann as well. This year, the PSA assessment for St. Irenaeus is the same as last year ($201,000), and the money collected will go directly to the mission and ministries mentioned above. Any amount above our assessed amount will be rebated to St. Irenaeus and used to replace all the old doors of our beautifully renovated church.

I pray that God will move your heart to give this year so that we can continue to touch the hearts and change the lives of others.

Fr. Binh


"The root of joy is gratefulness... It is not joy that makes us grateful; it is gratitude that makes us joyful."

David Steindl-Rast, OSB