
The sacrament of baptism welcomes you into a life of following Jesus. Baptism washes away sins and affirms one's desire to live the life of a Christian.
Babies are baptized usually during their first year; however, all who are willing are welcome at any age.

Infant Baptism Preparation

Infant Baptism is an exciting and wonderful sacrament!

Children are baptized under the condition that parents promise to raise the child as a Catholic Christian.

There are several steps for Infant Baptism, so it is important to get started at least two months before the desired baptism date.

Step 1: Fill out the Baptism Inquiry Form, available in the parish office, and provide a copy of your child's Birth Certificate or Certificate of Live Birth

Step 2: Meet with priest or deacon (scheduled when you fill out the Inquiry Form)

Step 3: Return Baptism Registration Packet (received during meeting with priest/deacon)

Step 4: Once everything has been submitted you will be contacted to schedule your preferred baptism date

Infant Baptism is for children 0 months to 6.5 years old. Please visit our Youth Ministry page for baptism of children ages 6.5 years to 12th grade. For adult baptism, please call the parish office or send an email.


"I have baptized you with water; he will baptize you with the holy Spirit."

Mark 1:8

Adult Baptism

Baptism of adults requires entering the OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation) program.

Sunday sessions begin in September and typically go through June. 

To get started, please send an email or call the Parish Office.