We're so glad you're here.
May the Lord in his goodness lead us all closer to him.
And by our love and service to one another, may we hear him say to us,
"Well done, my good and faithful servant... Come, share your master's joy" (Mt 25:23).
fish fry fridays
Hosted by the Knights of Columbus
March 7, 14, 21, 28, and April 4, 11
4:30 - 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall
Stations of the cross
March 7, 14, 21, 28, and April 4, 11*
7:00 p.m. in the church, English
8:00 p.m. in the church, Spanish
*Living Stations of the Cross by 7th grade parish school students
estate planning workshop
Thursday, March 20
7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
In the Parish Hall
Join us for this FREE workshop to learn how to protect your loved ones from unnecessary legal, financial, and emotional burdens during life's most challenging moments. You'll walk away with clear, actionable steps to protect your loved ones, avoid costly court processes, and ensure your medical and financial decisions align with your faith.
Free copies of Guided by Grace, gifted by The Orange Catholic Foundation, available in the parish office and at the workshop.
Lenten mission: Pilgrims of hope
Being the hands and feet of christ
7:00 p.m. in the church
At this Lenten Mission talk, Msgr. Gregory Ramkissoon will share his experience serving at Mustard Seed Communities and how it taught him that God’s love is the greatest gift we can share.
We all love to live, but life becomes fulfilling when we live to love.
Bring your family, invite your friends!
Respect life
lenten diaper/wipe drive
The annual Lenten Diaper/Wipe Drive has started and will continue through Palm Sunday, April 13!
If you wish to participate, please place your donations in the playpen under the Holy Family altar. Diapers size Newborn thru size 6 are needed to benefit several local pregnancy services and shelters.
For online monetary donations, please click
Thank you for your support!
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Bishop Kevin Vann of our Diocese of Orange invites you to participate in the annual Pastoral Services Appeal (PSA) to support the mission of our Diocese and the work of St. Irenaeus Church. He writes: I pray that you will again join me together as missionary disciples of Christ in supporting the Pastoral Services Appeal campaign. We will again bring the love of Jesus into our parishes and schools, our homes and neighborhoods, as we live his Gospel message.
For every dollar given, 95 cents goes directly to the mission and ministries below:
Parish Support (30%)
Catholic Schools (20%)
Vocations Formation & Support (20%)
Priest Retirement (15%)
Outreach (10%)
Your contribution last year provided assistance to 56 retired priests, 28 seminarians in formation, more than 615,000 families and individuals in need, and education and learning support to over 17,000 students in our Catholic schools. Those who gave to the PSA last year will soon receive a letter from Bishop Vann thanking you for your support.
With the generous support of St. Irenaeus parishioners, the parish surpassed our last year's allotted goal of $201,000. Saint Irenaeus' allotted goal is the same this year . Any amount collected over this goal goes back to the parish for its special projects or ministry.
Participating in the annual PSA is an invitation and a sacred duty. Please discuss it with your family, pray about it, and make a donation. Each family or person’s financial situation is different. No gift is too big or too small. You may return the PSA pledge card at any Sunday Mass or at the parish office. You may also make a donation online below.
On behalf of Bishop Vann, I thank you for your generosity and for making a lasting impact for you, your family, the parish and the Church.
Fr. Binh
To learn more about the Jubilee Year of Hope, click on this link to the Diocese of Orange.
In partnership with The Orange Catholic Foundation, the Diocese of Orange has launched a diocesan-wide fundraising campaign to support our neighbors in Los Angeles affected by the wildfires. As a sign of our solidarity, the Diocese has pledged $1,000,000 to this effort—together, we can do even more.
Your help is needed. Pray for those impacted by this devastation and for the first responders on the front lines. Visit https://www.rcbo.org/help-la/ to contribute and make a difference today.
Saint Irenaeus, one of the Fathers of the Church, fought against heresy, supported the Papacy, and even helped define Matthew, Mark, Luke and John as the four Gospels. Read more>
Click on the link below to learn about an amazing statewide initiative!
There have been reports of phone calls, text messages, and emails purportedly coming from bishops, priests, and deacons asking for personal information or money.
Please be advised that these contact attempts most certainly do not originate from bishops, priests, and deacons. They are fraudulent!
We advise you to not respond to these messages or follow any links that may be contained within them. If you believe the message to be genuine, verify it by calling the church or cathedral directly and not using a phone number provided or embedded in the text or email message.
Please call the Parish Office at (714) 826-0760 if you have any questions about this warning.